The Piggery Pottery Story...
Piggery Pottery was established in 1972 in South Yorkshire by Ian and Barbara Winrow. If you are wondering where the name comes from, it all began in a dis-used pig shed! (see pic.1) In the late 1960's, Barbara studied Industrial Design at Liverpool Art College - as it was then known - specialising in ceramics. This was just a few years after Beatle John Lennon attended the Art College, and her tutors during this time included Adrian Henri and Roger McGough. It was here that Barbara received what she describes as the best compliment she has ever been given; on the first day of College, each potential potter was required to hold out their hands to assess their suitability and it was announced that she had "potter's hands!"

pic.1. Article from the Doncaster Evening
Post 1974.

pic.2. Barbara with her winning design.

pic.3. Barbara's piggy banks at the Mary Portas shop in House of Fraser, Oxford St. London.
Towards the end of her time in Liverpool, Barbara won first place in a Royal Society of Arts competition. The prize included a bursary to allow for some travelling; with it she travelled around Scandinavia for several months visiting potteries and craftspeople, and learning about folk art. Barbara also had an exhibition of her work at the design centre in Liverpool, and won a competition to design a ceramic mural for the architects involved in creating the Albert Docks (see pic.2)
Over the years, Barbara has created the much loved night-light and piggy bank range you see on the site today, as well as her distinctive hand-thrown, slipware pieces. She has also designed ceramics for well-known brands such as Thorntons chocolates, Jordan's cereals, Mattessons sausages, and more recently for Mary Portas' range of knickers! (see pic.3) Her piggy banks have also been used in numerous campaigns including for Maestro card, Citroen cars, Aldi and even a segment on ITV's This Morning.
In the last few years, Barbara has increasingly branched out into putting her designs onto canvas, as well as pottery. Her original paintings, prints and gift cards and postcards are all available to buy on our website and in our onsite shop.

pic.4. 'Goosanders' by Barbara Winrow